Please join us for our last book club event of 2024! We will celebrate the second year of book club with food, fun, and awards! The event will include -
A potato potluck! This is our holiday tradition for book club. Bring any type of potato dish to share.
Mystery Book Swap! Bring a wrapped book with a few clues about what it is. This can be a book you've enjoyed lately, your favorite book, or whatever you want. We will each pick a book to open from the mystery book table.
Leaders are Readers!
Registration is required in advance of the event. Book club will be a monthly series. Each attendee will have a chance to share their thoughts and discuss concepts from the book. Please feel free to bring discussion questions you'd like to cover and/or books to swap with other members!
Disclaimer: Our refund policy varies by event. If not otherwise specified, please contact for more information
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